

We gladly accept American Express, Discover Card, MasterCard and VISA for purchases. Claudio gift cards may also be redeemed for online purchases. Please give us a call if you wish to redeem a Claudio gift card online. C.O.D. shipping is also available for an extra $11.00 UPS-imposed processing charge.

All prices listed are current as long as they are displayed. Prices are subject to change at anytime.

We respect your privacy and hope to earn your trust and confidence by promising that no personal customer information will ever be sold, rented, leased, given or shared to any third parties.

Product Availability
Some items we sell may occasionally be available in limited quantities. Although we make every effort to update our website to reflect out of stock conditions, it may be possible that an item you purchase is on back order. In such an event, with your approval, we can customarily ship as much of the order as possible and then either ship the back-ordered item at a later date, replace with a substitute item, or cancel that portion of your order.

Return Policy
We strive to exceed customer expectations by providing superior quality products and exceptional service. Any item deemed unsatisfactory will be replaced or refunded at our discretion, depending on the circumstances, provided we are informed of the problem within two (2) business days of your having received the order.

System Availability
We make every effort to maintain 100% system availability. In cases where we do experience technical difficulties, we are not responsible for any order that does not process. Feel free to give us a call to check on the status of any order.

Claudio Specialty Foods • 924-26 South 9th St. • Philadelphia, PA 19147 •
 Tel:(215) 627-1873 •  Fax:(215) 627-2320

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