Serving our customers for well over 60 years, we take pride in providing the best selections of panty items available. Looking for a recommendation or a product not listed? Give us a call or send us an
This Month’s Featured Item Anchovy Fillets
Brand May Vary- Packed in olive oil, these anchovy fillets are ready to be used in your favorite dish. $ 18.99 ea
Acciughette in olio di olive e Peperoncino $8.99ea
Cuoco Seasoning for Macaroni with Sardines $5.99ea
Anchovy Fillets $ 5.99 ea
Anchovy Fillets $ 9.99 ea
Anchovy Fillets-Hot $ 18.99 ea
Anchovy Fillets $ 18.99 ea
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Claudio Specialty Foods • 924-26 South 9th St. • Philadelphia, PA 19147 • Tel:(215) 627-1873 • Fax:(215) 627-2320