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This Month’s Featured Item Sperlari Mostarda
A Northern Italian favorite, Mostarda is an condiment made of candied fruit and mustard flavored syrup. Traditionally, mostarda is used for cooking, but also can be used as an accompaniment to a desert cheese plate. $12.99ea
Amore Paste Garlic Tube $ 5.99 ea
Amore Paste Pesto Tube $ 6.99 ea
Di Biase Dried Porcini Mushrooms $ 24.99 ea
Di Biase Dried Porcini Mushrooms $ 48.99 ea
Imported Italian Nutella Spread $ 6.49 ea
Nutella Spread $ 3.99 ea
Imported Italian Nutella Spread $ 8.99 ea
Sperlari Mostarda $12.99ea
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Claudio Specialty Foods • 924-26 South 9th St. • Philadelphia, PA 19147 • Tel:(215) 627-1873 • Fax:(215) 627-2320